Saturday, August 30, 2008

What we love about our Hayden....

He is highly organized.

He helps with the dishes.

He has clean hands and a pure heart.
He is very stylish.

He loves a good adventure He is not a picky eater.
He steers clear of wild animals on the road.
He likes to share.

He helps with dinner...
He falls asleep anywhere.

As the girls would say "We think he is pretty neato cheeto! We love you Hayden!


mandy said...

You are so funny! Those pictures capture toddler-hood perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I love that you have captured all those moments--and put a name to their actions--so true!

Didi said...

Too Cute Callie! Hayden is adorable. Jake sits in the dishwasher like that too- though I don't think I could classify it as helping! :) ha ha
