Wednesday, December 31, 2008


What are your New Year's resolutions? Do you make any? I always make them. I rarely keep them. This year I feel I have to keep at least some of them. I am determined.
Here are the things I plan to do:
*eat MUCH healthier. I eat healthy, but it's sprinkled with cookies and chocolate, and too many carbs. My body does not do well with carbs. I need to do better.
*exercise more regularly. I exercise, but it consists of random dancing, random Pilates, wrestling my 2 year old to get him dressed... or running the laundry up and down the stairs, and then I eat a cookie...
*read my scriptures regularly. I read, but the indulgent, entertaining stuff, and not enough of what matters most. I also plan to read with my children more.
*spend less time on the computer. I love blogging and reading blogs, I love facebook, I love my friends, but I need to limit my time. It takes away from the important things in life, like laundry, and dishes, and vacuuming...sigh.
*get our finances in order. We are blessed, but I overspend in some area's. It is hard to justify when we are still in debt with school, etc. So, I need to be more frugal and disciplined. It scares me when people we know are losing their jobs and homes...I want to feel more prepared.
*go somewhere, anywhere, with my husband, ALONE for a few days. Tom and I have not gone anywhere by ourselves in 8 years. It is a sad, sad reality. We need to.

So, that's it. Well, for the most part. Piece of cake, right?

Tomorrow it's a new year, but today...I am eating cookies and playing on the computer with fervor!! What are you doing today? ;)


mandy said...

I could have written this myself. Amen, sister. I'm with you on everything except for the last one. Adam and I were blessed to get away this year and it is a very good thing. So good luck to us this year! We should form a support group.

Rachel said...

Hey my home is open. The kids would love to have playmates for a few days. Once you have 5 kids adding on is a piece of cake. The drive here is kinda long but keep us in mind*U*

Didi said...

I like all those resolutions. I'm right there with you. Thanks for saving me some thinking time. :)

Sarah Rockwood said...

Good luck, I think we should get together once in a while and keep each other on our toes. I think it helps when you have others supporting you.

Kimberly said...

I haven't blogged forever. I have so much catching up to do. My mom might have cancer so I've been worried about her. Next week she goes to Huntsmans to have her lung biopsied. Any how I have to tell you about the new years resolutions I heard on the radio. The lady set ones like: do my visiting teaching early in the month, loose 20 pounds, fix healthy meals for my family etc. After the first month she changed them to things like: don't gain another 20 pounds, have tolerence for my children and sometimes have healthy snacks in the house. She had others I can't remember. We got a good laugh out of them. Shane and I figure if you set them high then when you try for them you'll at least be a little better then the year before. Shane and I would be happy to watch your kids so you and Tom could go on a trip alone. To bad we don't live closer. We always stress out about who to leave our children with when we leave for conferences.
