he HATES birthday's...
well, more specifically just his own birthday's. He always has. Even as a little boy. (Or so I hear) He would much rather have the attention be on anyone else. So, he will cringe at this post, but I can't let the day go by without letting him know how much we love him, and how grateful we are for him in our life.
Tom is the youngest of his five brothers and sisters, yet he was the first to be married...go figure! He became a husband and father
very young, but we all know that is what he was meant to be because he does it so well.
These are a few of the many things I love about Tom...
He carries Hayden while he mows the lawn (even though he doesn't have to), he always compliments my cooking, he tells me I'm beautiful (in the morning!), we have the best, longest late night talks ever, I get him...and he gets me, he is loyal, he has integrity, he is hard working. He bakes me cakes on my birthday, he makes the bed, he willingly changes diapers, he makes me laugh. He grills yummy food. He loves his family, he loves his Savior. He doesn't just "work" at his job, he serves. He loves his patients. He is more compassionate, and charitable then any one I know. He is motivated, he is soft spoken. He likes Canadian food. He lets me go grocery shopping by myself. ....and, so much more....
Happy Birthday Honey! Just know, I did this out of LOVE...and that it is better then me throwing you a party, am I right?:)
Happy Birthday, Tom! Adam's birthday is today (Oct 4th) and except for the part about not liking birthdays, he and Tom sound like they'd get along.
I agree, that's one thing i've noticed also, he doesn't go to work, he looks forward to serving others.
I must admit, a good man is he, even if he wets the bed as you say. . . or did you say makes the bed.
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