Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh, how it pains me...

When, in the morning I open the drawer to find my saran wrap - only to find last night's leftover salad. The saran wrap was in the fridge.
*not shown:
-losing keys and finding them still hanging in the door (an hour later)
-locking myself outside
-forgetting to put on my bra (not pretty)
-filling up Hayden's sippy cup and giving it to Avery
-Grocery shopping for an hour, only to find when it's time to check out I left my wallet in the car
Tell me, what is YOUR name for this disease? Because, if you are a mom, I know you have it too!!


mandy said...

That makes me laugh. I was just patting myself on the back yesterday for not forgetting anything during this crazy week and then realized I was 10 min late for parent/teacher conference. Nice.

Sarah Rockwood said...

It seems like I mostly forget things that I really didn't want to do. Not intentionally of coarse.

Didi said...

LOL! Ha ha ha ha ha....... Thanks for the great laugh Callie! Definitely a case of the Mommy-overwhelmed disease. :)

AudyCamp said...

That's hilarious!...of course because it was you and not me. And are you pregnant young lady?...Lately I've been doing crazy stuff like that too.

Callie said...

I am NOT pregnant!!

Jarad said...

I went to Isaiah's Dr. appt. on Monday at 11am. Sadly, his appt was really at 8:50am. They were able to reschedule me for 1pm. I had confused the time with Elijah's dentist appt. which is next week (sigh).

MJ said...

Oh, that is too funny! And, Rochelle's comment above is so funny too! I hear ya both!
